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Buying & selling products

Many companies have products in their portfolios which – for strategic reasons – they are unable to promote even though their sales potential has not yet been exhausted. A change in ownership is often the best solution for everyone involved.

Co-promotion & co-marketing

Collaboration agreements are a useful way of making the most of a product’s sales and profit potential – particularly for companies that may not have the fieldwork capacity to sell or launch a product on its own.

Dr. Newzella helps you to find cooperation partners and accompanies you through the whole of the negotiation process to the conclusion of an agreement.

In & out-licensing

A targeted licensing strategy is essential for all businesses – no matter whether they be a medium-sized domestic firm or a large international company – as it ensures that the very most is made of a product’s potential at home and abroad.

Dr. Newzella helps you to find products, licences and/or a suitable licence partner. We accompany you through the whole of the negotiation process and – if you wish – continue to support you after an agreement has been signed.

Market authorisations, dossiers & brands

Market-oriented businesses are always on the look-out for market authorisations, dossiers and trademarks to optimise their portfolios or to enable them to enter new market segments.

Dr. Newzella helps you to buy and sell market authorisations, dossiers and brands.