Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions

The following FAQs apply to our executive search division.

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Why use headhunters such as Dr. Newzella Consulting?

Our direct approach – this enables us to fill essential specialist and management positions with people from your competitive environment effectively, efficiently and professionally.

Our selection procedure – the candidates are asked specific questions relating to the job profile, given information about the project and selected by our experienced staff before being presented to our clients. Over 1,000 appointments took place "without a hitch" last year thanks to this system.

Our discretion – it goes without saying that we carry out our work in a discreet manner, always respecting the required level of confidentiality discussed during the briefing session with our clients. Moreover, we are able to discreetly recruit a successor for a position that is still occupied.

To save costs – outsourcing this work to a professional HR business partner cuts our clients’ costs as they do not have to place expensive adverts in the media nor do they have to process the large number of applications received in response to such ads.

How does Dr. Newzella Consulting differ from global headhunting firms?

Our expertise and regional focus – Dr. Newzella Consulting – a family-run firm headed by four managing partners – has been working in the life science sector for over 40 years now and has extensive and in-depth knowledge of the industry. Moreover, we focus regionally on the German, Swiss and Austrian markets.

Individual contact people / “one face to the customer” – we focus fully on our clients and their needs, i.e. an experienced project team is put together to fill a vacant position and the names of the team members are written into the contract before the project begins.

Direct access to the market – to guarantee confidentiality and discretion, we never use external search services. Right from the moment our company was set up, we have always used our own search teams – which are now well known on the market – enabling us to access the market professionally and directly and making a project much easier to manage.

(S)MEs for (S)MEs – being a medium-sized personnel consultancy business (as defined by the BDU, the Federal Association of German Management Consultants), we have in-depth knowledge of the needs and requirements of our medium-sized clients. This is an important asset as, according to the BPI (Federal Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry), 95% of all pharmaceutical manufacturers in Germany are classed as SMEs (source: BPI, ‘Pharmadaten 2011’).

What are our USPs?

“We always deliver” – we guarantee this in writing in our contracts!

Our years of industry experience – over 30 years of industry-specific personnel and management consultancy work and a member of the BDU (Federal Association of German Management Consultants) since 2007.

Our success – we filled 80 positions for 45 clients last year alone. Approx. 55% of our clients have been working with us for more than 5 years, i.e. a loyal customer base and repeat business are normal for our consultancy firm – further underlining the quality of our work.

Our CRM system – our CRM system, which contains over 15,000 pharmaceutical candidates, offers our clients much more than the various social media sites can. Our experienced consultants know many of the registered candidates personally and so are able to assess whether or not they really suit a client’s company.

What type of companies have been listed as references?

A clear focus on medium-sized businesses – approx. 55% of the references named have a workforce of between 100 and 499 employees while 30% of the German references given have 500+ employees (cf. classification of company size as stipulated by the BPI/Federal Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, ‘Pharmadaten 2011’) making them a large-scale enterprise. 80% of our references are from the pharmaceutical industry.

What fees do we charge?

Quality has its price – our work is based exclusively on the classic three-instalment system (see “Executive Search” for more details about our conditions). This system offers our clients a number of advantages as it is clearly oriented towards the successful conclusion of a project: the first instalment on commissioning us with a project, the second instalment after the presentation of the candidates and the third instalment when a contract of employment is signed with a candidate.

What positions does Dr. Newzella Consulting fill?

Positions within pharmaceuticals, medical technology & agriculture (life sciences) – all positions that need to be filled in industrial and commercial companies working within these sectors and which involve an annual salary of approx. €75,000+. Please contact us to receive a list of individual references covering the position you wish to have filled. You'll be won over by the quality of our consultancy services as well as by the number of projects we have already successfully concluded.

Top level positions – we do not mention such positions on our job page as they need to be filled with the utmost discretion. Filling such positions is one of our specialities. Why? Being a personnel and management consultancy business, we have ongoing contact to our clients' top managers as well as to interested parties and dealmakers across Europe especially for projects involving M&A, product and licence deals. Such projects often last a long time with all parties regularly having to work their way through critical periods. The ensuing decision-making processes enable the participants to get to know each other better, to judge one another's character and, in some cases, to have a positive influence on the career of the managers in charge. Many of our top executive search projects, therefore, are the result of a recommendation from our management consultancy division. For further information, please contact one of our managing directors.

Why should you use Dr. Newzella Consulting's exclusive services?

Exclusivity guarantees a "clear and trouble-free process" – headhunting is a process that requires a high degree of discretion and tact. Exclusivity is the only way to ensure that projects are managed in line with compliance requirements.

To ensure potential candidates are not approached more than once – by entering into an exclusive agreement, you ensure that people are not approached more than once for the same position and so avoid your company’s image being negatively impacted.

The positive impact of having tailor-made profiles – our personnel consultants take the time to draw up a detailed job profile as well as to really get to know the company so that they can find the best and most suitable candidates for their clients.

The possibility to compare profiles – the candidate profiles that we submit to our clients conform to uniform SOPs so that they can be compared with one another. Different personnel consultancy businesses often use different assessment criteria as well as different profile formats.

What role do social media sites play in our search process?

We prefer to use a combination of search methods. Our core method for recruiting specialist and management personnel is to approach potential candidates directly: in such cases, small target groups of approx. 100 people are contacted directly. Social media sites, which provide passive presentations of tens of thousands of candidates, are only used as a supplementary measure.

In many cases, potential candidates only become really interested in changing their jobs once they have had regular and active contact with our searchers.

How do we guarantee that our clients our represented in a genuinely professional manner during the search process?

High service standards – all the services provided by Dr. Newzella Consulting are of a high standard – from the initial contact, to the face-to-face interview, to the presentation of the candidates – with timely, professional and clear communication at all times.

Furnishing of information – we inform the candidates about our clients using detailed company and job profiles which we draw up ourselves.

Communication – regular contact between our two companies.

How long does a project last on average?

Factors determining the length of a project – the complexity of the job profile (e.g. pharmacovigilance officer versus regional manager), the location of the client’s business and external factors such as the current job market etc determine the length of a project.

Average length of time until candidate profiles are submitted – the average length of time from beginning the project to submitting the first candidate profiles is approx. 1½ to 2 months.

Average length of time until a contract of employment is signed – the average length of time from beginning the project to a candidate signing a contract of employment is approx. 4 months.